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 And On This Rock I Will Build My Church, And the Gates of Hades Shall Not Prevail Against It

                                                                                                                                               - MATTHEW - 16:18

AGCM ministry is resolute to mobilize Christians for world evangelization and reaching the unreached people by planting the churches and making the disciples of Jesus Christ King of Universe.

Bishop.Rev.Dr.Moses Garu

AGCM ministry was started in acquiescence to Gods Vision and command given to Bishop. Rev.T. Moses (Founder & Director of AGCM ministry) and is being used by God today in different facets of Ministry nationally and internationally.

Bishop. Rev.T. Moses has come from the Iconolatry family (chattada sree vishanva) who performs the rituals of Temples.

In 1978, his mother fell ill and no God has shown courtesy upon her. But Jesus Christ has shown his kindness and done great miracle in her life and relieved her from sickness and wickedness. Then his parents endorsed the Christ as their Savoir. After some days his elder brother was passed away after his brothers eternal rest, Pastor Moses started ail with convulsions and one day he fell near the well (water resource).At that moment his parents prayed for him and devoted him to Lords service and subsequently he got allayed from convulsions.

Later than, they have faced many financial crisis by glimpsing these circumstances pastor. Moses was abandoned from Jesus Christ.

God’s desire and compassion towards Pastor Moses was not fulfilled, God has other divine plan towards him.

God has revealed his plan and inclination about Pastor Moses through Prophesy. But he was agonistic to the prophesy given by God. Even though, God did not abstain his wish towards him and betrayed his contrivance 18 times through divination.



For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

                                                            - Isaiah -55:8-9.


Then in 1983 he was alleged to met with brutal accident. Inspite of prayers by believers and his parents he was in coma and confined to bed for 30 days.

On 31st day in the Vision,Pastor.Moses had contemplated Jesus Christ fronting him and taking his right hand, and heard calling him as “My dear Son Moses, and also perceived Lord Christ commandment to serve him as a resemble of Apostle Paul”.

Then, at that instant Pastor Moses has confessed that these many days he has disdain God because he didn’t affirm Gods existence, but after he had comprehended the presence of God he has consented God that he will serve the Lord Jesus till butt end of his life.

In the year of 1988, Pastor Moses got married with Mrs.Param jyothi Moses, and then God has instructed him to do his ministry in the place called Edurumondi.
Then he was acquiescent to God’s word and commenced Lord Service in the year 1990 at Edurumondi. There he tolerated many obstacles, distress, dismals, financial crisis and even spent many days starving.

One day in fasting prayer God has delineated him a verse from Genesis 17:1 which states I am Almighty God, walk before me and be blameless, and assured not to scare.
Then, that instant, Pastor Moses has laid the foundation for ministry and named it as ALMIGHTY GOD CHURCH MINISTRY (AGCM).Today by the divine sanction AGCM ministry was flourished in to 36 branches.

Currently they were serving Lord through various activities like running an orphanage, preaching the unreached people, spreading the word of God to tribal people through tribal ministry  by offering habiliments and to strengthen the youngsters in the name Almighty God and to make them disciples of Lord Jesus. Now they were intended to run old age home.

SO, kindly dedicate your prayers for AGCM ministry to blossom in too many more ventures.



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